Rise at ZERO600 (6am) for six days, to support Aussie Veterans.
We lose 6 Aussie Veterans a month to suicide, something that none of us find acceptable and have decided to 'lose some sleep over'!
Help Cronulla RSL get behind Aussie Veterans, by signing up for the Invictus ZERO600 Challenge!
Taking place over SIX days from the 1st to the 6th June 2024, the format is simple. Get up at 6am, for six days straight, and take on your challenge to raise awareness and funds for Australian Veterans.
It’s a great way to get active with your family, friends, & community with the military approach of rising early, whilst supporting Aussie Veterans.
Sign up for the challenge via https://zero600.com.au/signup (be sure to click ‘Join Team’, then look for ‘Cronulla RSL Community’)
You could do a daily dog walk, 100 squats every morning or a 10k a day. It’s your morning to conquer, your way.
Where to get active before 0600 in Cronulla
Saturday 1st June:
Underground Run Club 0500 (run)
Sunday 2nd June:
Strava Sharks 0600 (run) - Peryman Square Cronulla
Monday 3rd June:
Tuesday 4th June:
Underground Run Club 0430 (run)
Wednesday 5th June:
Thursday 6th June:
Underground Run Club 0430 (run)
Shout about your challenge on social media, and help to raise funds that will change the lives of veterans and their families.
#ZERO600 #friendsbythebeach #UnconqueredTogether #RiseandConquer #SnoozeOff
DOWNLOAD graphics for your socials here
The campaign raises funds to power sports programs that can strengthen mental, social and physical wellbeing of military veterans and families, that can help reduce veteran suicide.
About the challenge
In the dark of winter it's tempting to retreat under the doona and seek the comfort of the snooze alarm. It’s time to take back control of your day, by embracing the chill of a June morning to be rewarded with the transformative warmth and light of a sunrise.
Move from the darkness, toward light, a fresh start and a supercharged day!
Get up at 6am, for six days straight, and take on your challenge to raise funds for Australian Veterans, by supporting the work of Invictus Australia.
You’ll be supporting programs that use sport to strengthen the mental and physical wellbeing of Aussie Veterans and their Families, by conquering your morning.