Cronulla Walk The Walls Street Art Festival 2022

Cronulla RSL are proud to be supporting Cronulla Walk the Walls Street Art Festival in 2022. Our car park wall has been transformed, in a bid to increase beautification of our area and reduce vandalism.

This is our car park wall. It faces The Esplanade & Cronulla Park. It is regularly tagged & vandalised.

We approached Sutherland Shire Council to have it included in the Cronulla Walk The Walls Street Art Festival. The $88,500 investment from NSW Government is being put towards the revitalisation of spaces affected by graffiti and vandalism through the installation of artworks of various genres and styles.

The Walk the Walls initiative, piloted in 2016, has been instrumental in reducing graffiti in areas known to attract antisocial behaviour and associated crime. Since the Walk the Walls events have been held, there has been an 82% reduction in graffiti incidents and 98% reduction in the volume removed at the Caringbah locations, and a 93% reduction in graffiti incidents and 97% reduction in the volume removed at the Cronulla locations.

This project will revitalise areas identified as perceptibly unsafe by the community, but also support local and emerging artists, educate young people on the importance of respecting public places, and boost economic growth in neighbouring businesses.

The festival will see visitors walking a street art trail December 9-11, to view the large-scale murals that bring colour to the streets of Cronulla.

Be prepared to be astonished by the real-time transformation of dreary run-down spaces throughout Cronulla CBD, from the Wharf Hut through to Surf Lane. Be sure to swing by Cronulla RSL in advance of the festival to view our promo wall, capturing the essence of Cronulla and community.

Walk the Walls has been curated by Tim Phibs (a notable street artist) and is a joint project between the NSW Department of Justice and Sutherland Shire Council.

Where it started.

Cronulla, our home, is a beautiful part of the world.

Our Cronulla sand dunes are a 15,000-year-old landscape that date back to mesolithic times.

We live on Sydney’s longest ocean beach, measuring more than 5km long.

We share our home with some incredible wildlife & marine life, such as the Green & Golden Bell Treefrog, Eastern Blue Groper and the Broad-Billed Sand Piper. We are even lucky enough to be able to spot Humpback Whales swimming by, as they migrate up and down our coast.


  • Cronulla Walk the Walls

    Green & Golden Bell Treefrog

    These frogs are known to occur on many parts of the Peninsula including the H6 Australand site, Kurnell landfill sites, the Cronulla Sewage Treatment Plant, Botany Bay National Park and Towra Point Nature Reserve.

  • Cronulla Walk the Walls

    Board Billed Sand Piper

    Limicola falcinellus, one of many migratory birds found in the Cronulla Sand Dunes.

  • Cronulla Walk the Walls

    Willy Wag Tail

    A familiar cheeky bird with bold nature, always busy and cheerful around our nature reserves.

  • Cronulla Walk the Walls

    Eastern Blue Groper

    The legendary creature, famed for being spotted by swimmers in Bate Bay.

  • Cronulla Walk the Walls

    Humpback Whale

    The Humpback Whale often spotted from our lookouts, headlands or foreshores whilst they migration up and down our coast. Sometimes they even stop into Bate Bay for a play!

  • The Rising Sun

    Readily identified with the spirit of ANZAC, the legend of the Australian soldier (digger)

The artists.





Watch our wall come to life!

Find the wall.


Cronulla RSL Memorial Club
38 Gerrale Street, Cronulla NSW 2230

The wall runs adjacent to the Esplanade, facing the Cronulla Surf Life Saving Club.

Enter the Esplanade via Mentone Avenue or Cronulla Park.

Plan your visit.

Make a day of it! Visit the club to see the amazing mural, plus eat & drink at our delicious select of cafes, restaurants & bars.