With the passage of years, as the numbers of Australian veterans of major wars and conflicts dwindles, it becomes increasingly important to ensure future generations know about the role Australian veterans have played in conflicts and peacekeeping operations.
Educating the next generation.
This history is an essential part of the fabric of Australia’s heritage. The RSL, from its national headquarters to its branches and sub-branches in every State and Territory, maintains a comprehensive program of education, activities, and support to ensure that the nation’s schools and their students are increasingly engaged in keeping the ANZAC spirit alive.
The Cronulla RSL ‘Friends By the Beach’ podcast series serves as a means to share the captivating stories and experiences of our members, and to provide a space for veterans, and community members to recount their personal narratives.
It’s an invaluable tool for preserving and restoring the rich history of the club. By recording and documenting the accounts of past events, milestones, and individuals, the podcast ensures that the legacy and contributions of Cronulla RSL are safeguarded for future generations.
Local History
The incredible story of Beryl Bonfield. rom her time in service with the Australian Imperial force during WW2, to her dedication as Sutherland Hospital’s founding Matron, Beryl's story is one that continues to inspire and uplift those who come across it.
Join us as we explore the life of Beryl Bonfield, a woman whose indomitable spirit and unwavering dedication have left an indelible mark on our Sutherland Shire Community.
Veteran Talks
As we approach a significant commemorative event, Cronulla RSL Sub Branch extends a respectful invitation to schools to host a member of our organszation for a special talk. Our knowledgeable Cronulla RSL Sub-Branch members are eager to share insights, stories, and reflections that honor the sacrifices of our servicemen and women. This unique opportunity allows students to deepen their understanding of history and pay homage to those who have served our country.
We believe that by bringing this important conversation into the classroom, we can instill a profound sense of respect and remembrance among our youth. Please consider booking a speaker from Cronulla RSL Sub Branch to enrich your students' learning experience and ensure the significance of this event is properly acknowledged.
Contact us today to arrange a visit from one of our esteemed members.